Celebrating 139 Years

Parking, Shuttle & Admission Rates

Wristbands will be used to monitor attendance and we allow unlimited re-entry to the venues. There are two admissions gates located on Henley Island & the single admissions located at the Craig Swayze Memorial Grandstand:
  • Main Admissions Gate is located between the rear of the 1967 Shell House and Bay 16:
  • South Admissions Gate can be accssed via the Overflow Parking/Vendors area:
  • NEW for 2023*  Admissions the back access gate loacted by the Cat House entrance is not longer accessable. Cat House Gates will be for special permit holders ONLY:
  • Grandstand Admissions
Craig Swayze Memorial Grandstand
61 Main St. GPS: Latitude: 43.200268 | Longitude: -79.270514
Henley Island
76 Henley Island Drive. GPS: Latitude: 43.19113 | Longitude: -79.27573

Each rowing club attending the regatta will be issued a quantity of wristbands corresponding to the number of Competitors and Coaches listed on the Club Eligibility Roster (CER). Coaches and Atheletes will have separate identifyable wristbands.  Spectators will be able to purchase admission wristbands at the above locations on a daily or weekly basis.

Parking and Shuttle Service

Parking on Henley Island is free and shuttle service from the Island to the Grandstand on Main Street will be available at the following times:

Shuttle arrives every ~15-20 minutes. Times will be adjusted once the Preliminary Draw is posted

Thursday, August 10 2023 2:30pm - 7:00pm
Friday, August 11 2023 3:00pm - 6:45pm
Saturday, August 12 2022 2:00pm - 7:00pm
Sunday, August 13 2023 ~9:30am - ~3:45pm

Parking is also available along Main Street and side streets near the Grandstand. Please adhere to local parking laws and regulations


Day Pass $0 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10
Week Pass $35 $35 $30 $25 $20  -
Senior / Student      
Day Pass $0 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8
Week Pass $25 $25 $22 $20 $16  -

 Children 12 and Under, Free Admission

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© Royal Canadian Henley Regatta 2012